What is TIG

What is TIG?

The Innovation Game (TIG) is the first and only protocol designed to accelerate algorithmic innovation, by coordinating global intelligence. It is underpinned by a novel proof-of-work mechanism that allows for optimisation of the proof-of-work algorithms.

TIG combines its proof-of-work with a crypto-economic incentive structure to not only incentivise miners (benchmarkers) to identify the best performing algorithms, but to also motivate and reward anyone worldwide who can contribute to algorithmic innovation.

This way, TIG creates an open, collaborative and competitive ecosystem harnessing computational efforts over a wide spectrum of real-world challenges, spanning artificial intelligence, cryptography, biomedical research and climate science.

TIG is driven by the desire to direct the power of decentralised systems towards truly valuable purposes. By transcending limitations inherent in centralised entities, be they corporations or nation states, TIG can facilitate collaboration and achieve output on a scale previously impossible. Crucially, the protocol offers an alternative to the privatisation and monopolisation of algorithmic research, and accelerates open innovation in respect of science’s most significant challenges.