

TIG rewards both Innovators and Benchmarkers for their contributions to the network through block rewards.

Rewards For Benchmarkers

Benchmarkers are rewarded for selecting algorithms and computing solutions for challenges. They are incentivised to adopt the most efficient algorithms and share block rewards proportional to the number of solutions found. They can also share a portion of their rewards with delegators to incentivise them to delegate their deposits.

OPoW Rewards

OPoW rewards are the rewards earned by the Benchmarker before deducting the share with the delegators.

The rewards are calculated as follows:

opow_reward_pool=block_reward×0.7opow\_reward\_pool = block\_reward \times 0.7

Where 0.7 is the fraction of block rewards that gets shared amongst all the Benchmarkers(before deducting the share with the delegators). This means that 70% of the block rewards are shared amongst all the Benchmarkers.

opow_reward=opow_reward_pool×influenceopow\_reward = opow\_reward\_pool \times influence

influence is the fraction of block rewards that the Benchmarker earns from their solutions and their delegated deposits.

Benchmarker Rewards

Benchmarker rewards are the rewards earned by the Benchmarker after deducting the share with the delegators.

The rewards are calculated as follows:

benchmarker_reward=opow_reward(1reward_share)benchmarker\_reward = opow\_reward \cdot (1 - reward\_share)

Where reward_sharereward\_share is the percentage of the OPoW rewards that the Benchmarker wants to share with the delegators. They can update this once every 1440 blocks and can range between 0% and 25%.

Delegator Rewards

Delegator rewards are the rewards earned by the delegators after delegating their deposits to a Benchmarker.

The rewards are calculated as follows:

benchmarker_shared_rewards=opow_reward×reward_sharebenchmarker\_shared\_rewards = opow\_reward \times reward\_share

delegator_reward=benchmarker_shared_reward(delegator_weighted_deposittotal_weighted_deposit)delegator\_reward = benchmarker\_shared\_reward \cdot (\frac {delegator\_weighted\_deposit} {total\_weighted\_deposit})

Where the total_weighted_deposittotal\_weighted\_deposit is the sum of all the weighted deposits delegated to the Benchmarker, and delegator_weighted_depositdelegator\_weighted\_deposit is the deposit of the delegator.

Rewards for Innovators

Innovator rewards are the rewards earned by the Innovators for creating and submitting newer/optimised algorithms. The rewards are calculated based on the adoption of the algorithm by the Benchmarkers.

Algorithm Rewards

Algorithm rewards are the rewards earned by the Innovator for submitting an algorithm that is adopted by the Benchmarkers.

The rewards are calculated as follows:

algorithm_reward_pool=block_reward×0.15algorithm\_reward\_pool = block\_reward \times 0.15

Where 0.15 is the fraction of block rewards that gets shared amongst all the Innovators. This means that 15% of the block rewards are shared amongst all the Innovators.

algorithm_reward_pool_per_challenge=algorithm_reward_poolnumber_of_challengesalgorithm\_reward\_pool\_per\_challenge = \frac {algorithm\_reward\_pool} {number\_of\_challenges}

number_of_challengesnumber\_of\_challenges are the total number of challenges.

One of the following conditions must be true for an algorithm to be eligible for rewards:

  • The algorithm should be merged and adopted by the Benchmarkers.


  • The adoption should be greater than or equal to 25%.

To calculate the algorithm_rewardalgorithm\_reward:

algorithm_reward=algorithm_reward_pool_per_challenge×normalised_adoptionalgorithm\_reward = algorithm\_reward\_pool\_per\_challenge \times normalised\_adoption

Where normalised_adoptionnormalised\_adoption is the adoption of the eligible algorithm normalised to 1.

Breakthrough Rewards

Breakthrough rewards are the rewards earned by the Innovator for submitting a breakthrough that is adopted by the Benchmarkers.

The rewards are calculated as follows:

breakthrough_reward_pool=block_reward×0.15breakthrough\_reward\_pool = block\_reward \times 0.15

Where 0.15 is the fraction of block rewards that gets shared amongst all the Innovators. This means that 15% of the block rewards are shared amongst all the Breakthrough Innovators.

breakthrough_reward_pool_per_challenge=breakthrough_reward_poolnumber_of_challengesbreakthrough\_reward\_pool\_per\_challenge = \frac {breakthrough\_reward\_pool} {number\_of\_challenges}

number_of_challengesnumber\_of\_challenges are the total number of challenges.

One of the following conditions must be true for a breakthrough to be eligible for rewards:

  • The breakthrough should be merged and adopted by the Benchmarkers.


  • The adoption should be greater than or equal to 50%.

To calculate the breakthrough_rewardbreakthrough\_reward:

breakthrough_reward=breakthrough_reward_pool_per_challenge×adoptionbreakthrough\_reward = breakthrough\_reward\_pool\_per\_challenge \times adoption