BenchmarkersOptimization Configuration

Optimising the Benchmarker Configuration

The Benchmarker configuration can be edited to include your api_key, player_id, api_url and configure other benchmarker settings.

Editing the Configuration

The Benchmarker configuration can be edited after setting up the Master Node through the UI. Head over to the config page to edit the configuration to include your api_key, player_id, api_url and configure the benchmarker settings.

The configuration is in json format and can be edited to include the following fields:

    "player_id": "<YOUR_PLAYER_ID>",
    "api_key": "<YOUR_API_KEY>",
    "api_url": "<TESTNET_OR_MAINNET_API_URL>",
    "job_manager_config": {
    "slave_manager_config": {
    "precommit_manager_config": {
    "difficulty_sampler_config": {
    "submissions_manager_config": {

Here are some key considerations for optimising your Benchmarker configuration if you are doing it for the first time:

  • Difficulty Range: Set the difficulty_range to sample a range of difficulties. A good starting point would be [0.0, 0.1].

  • Batch Size: Set the batch_size to the number of threads of your slave(round down to the nearest power of 2).

    • Aim for a batch_size so that each batch takes around 15 - 30 seconds to compute. If you see the batches for a certain challenge taking less than 10 seconds to compute, then gradually increase the batch_size in powers of 2 (e.g. 16, 32, 64, 128 etc.).
    • Adjust the num_nonces accordingly based on the new batch_size.

    Example: Here, the batch_size for the challenge vehicle_routing is set to 16 (with num_nonces = 80).

    "job_manager_config": {
        "batch_sizes": {
        "vehicle_routing": 16, // keep increasing the batch size (32, 64, 128, ...) so it takes 15 - 30 seconds to compute.
    "slave_manager_config": {
    "precommit_manager_config": {
        "vehicle_routing": {
        "weight": 1,
        "algorithm": "advanced_routing",
        "num_nonces": 80, // adjust this based on the new batch size for the challenge
        "base_fee_limit": "10000000000000000"

    Checking the UI, each batch is taking around 4 seconds to compute.

    Batch Size

    To aim for around 20 seconds per batch, we apply a 4x multiplier and increase the batch_size to 64 and num_nonces to 320.

    Batch Size

  • Number of Nonces: Set the num_nonces to batch_size X number of slaves. This is a good starting point because each slave needs to compute just 1 batch for the benchmark to be complete.

    • If you update the batch_size, also adjust the num_nonces accordingly.
  • Max Concurrent Batches: Set the max_concurrent_batches to 1 so that slaves only work on one batch at a time. This is an advanced setting to manage multiple different sized slaves.

player_id, api_key and api_url

The player_id is the wallet address of your benchmarker, i.e, the address you used to obtain the api_key and sign the message. To get the api_key check the Benchmarker setup guide.

The api_url is the URL of the API endpoint. The mainnet and testnet API URLs are:


The difficulty_sampler_config allows you to set the difficulty_range for each challenge.

  • Every block, each challenge recalculates its base_frontier and scaled_frontier.
  • The difficulties within these 2 frontiers are “sorted” into easiest to hardest (0.0 is easiest, 1.0 is hardest).
  • Benchmarkers can set the difficulty_range from which to sample a difficulty. Examples:
    • [0.0, 1.0] samples the full range of valid difficulties.
    • [0.0, 0.1] samples the easiest 10% of valid difficulties.
  • Key consideration: Easier difficulties may result in more solutions given the same compute, but might not be a qualifier for long if the frontiers get harder.


The job_manager_config allows you to set the batch_size for each challenge.

  • batch_size is the number of nonces that are part of a batch. It must be a power of 2.
  • It is recommend to pick a batch_size for your slave with lowest num_workers such that it takes a few seconds to compute (e.g. 5 seconds).
  • The batch_size shouldn’t be too small, or else network latency between master and slave will affect performance.
  • To support slaves with different num_workers, check slave_manager_config below.


The precommit_manager_config allows you to control your benchmarks:

  • The max_pending_benchmarks is the maximum number of pending benchmarks.
  • Key consideration: You want batches to always be available for your slaves, but at the same time if you submit benchmarks too slowly, it will have large delays before it will be active.
  • The num_nonces is the number of nonces to compute per benchmark. It is recommend to adjust based on the logs which tells you the average number of nonces to find a solution. Example log:
    • global qualifier difficulty stats for vehicle_routing: (#nonces: 43739782840, #solutions: 22376, avg_nonces_per_solution: 1954763).
  • The weight affects how likely the challenge will be picked (weight of 0 will never be picked). It is recommend to adjust if the logs warns you to benchmark a specific challenge to increase your cutoff. Example log:
    • recommend finding more solutions for challenge knapsack to avoid being cut off.


The slave_manager_config allows you to control your slaves:

  • When a slave makes a request, the manager iterates through each slave config one at a time until it finds a regex match. The most specific regexes should be earlier in the list, and the more general regexes should be latter in the list.
  • The max_concurrent_batches determines how many batches of that challenge a slave can fetch & process concurrently. You can set the max_concurrent_batches to 1 for a slave to only work on one batch at a time(this is an advanced setting to manage multiple different sized slaves).
  • The selected_challenges is a whitelist of challenges that will be included in the benchmark. If you don’t want a slave to benchmark a specific challenge, remove its entry from the list. For example:
    "selected_challenges": [
    This means that the master will only return batches of satisfiability and vehicle_routing challenges for those slaves.

Dynamically adjusting your Configuration

A Benchmarker’s block reward is determined by the number of qualifying solutions they can compute, and their imbalance penalty.

To maximise earnings, Benchmarkers are recommended to dynamically adjust their configuration. This may involve observing current difficulty frontiers and what other Benchmarkers are doing.

This script is an example of how to adjust configuration via code.