Benchmarkers play a crucial role analogous to that of miners in a decentralized ecosystem like Bitcoin. While Bitcoin miners compete to solve complex mathematical problems to validate transactions and earn rewards, Benchmarkers in TIG compete to solve computational challenges using the methods submitted by Innovators. By employing these methods to solve specific instances of the challenges, Benchmarkers validate the effectiveness and efficiency of the algorithms and contribute to the security and integrity of the network.
Benchmarkers are incentivized to select the most efficient algorithms to maximize their rewards, as they compete to solve challenges in the most efficient manner. This selection process creates a market signal that identifies the most promising and innovative algorithms, contributing to the price discovery mechanism within TIG’s synthetic market.
TIG’s reward distribution is designed to maintain the integrity of this market-driven selection process. Benchmarkers receive rewards for securing the network and identifying the best algorithms, while Innovators are rewarded based on the adoption of their methods by Benchmarkers. This structure incentivizes Benchmarkers to select the most efficient algorithms purely based on performance, protecting against manipulation by making it economically unfeasible for Innovators to bribe Benchmarkers to adopt suboptimal algorithms.
The role of Benchmarkers in TIG is critical, as they not only validate and select the most efficient methods but also provide security and drive the market-based price discovery process. By ensuring that the most deserving and innovative contributions are recognized and supported, Benchmarkers help maintain the integrity and efficiency of the entire Innovation Game ecosystem.
To read more about Benchmarkers and how their rewards are calculated, head over to the Benchmarks Tech Overview page.