Token HoldersVoting on Breakthroughs

Voting on Breakthroughs

Voting on breakthroughs is a crucial part of the TIG ecosystem. It allows the community to decide and vote if a submission is indeed a breakthrough or not.

Token holders are recommended to understand the implications of their vote:


To vote, you must have your Deposit still locked 2 rounds after the round that vote tallies are finalised.

Voting Process

Token holders with a valid Deposit can vote on breakthroughs submitted by Innovators.

Once you have made a Deposit, you can head over to the Mainnet Deposit page/Testnet Deposit Page, connect your wallet and scroll down to the Vote on Breakthroughs tab.

Here, you can view the list of breakthroughs submitted by Innovators along with their voting period (in rounds). You can also see the address of the Innovator and the Challenge attributed to the Breakthrough. The pie chart alongside each breakthrough shows the current voting distribution for YES and NO.

To vote on a breakthrough, click on the YES or NO button alongside the breakthrough and confirm the signature on your wallet.

Vote on Breakthroughs